We are pleased to announce that the musical  performance of The Enchanted Forest – and the search for the magic soda! on Sunday, August 11, was a smashing success! We had a “pacthouse” of family and friends to cheer on our talented cast. There were many laughs and some misty eyes to say the least. You can watch a video of the performance on YouTube here.

Our Pacthouse Players and Friends Theatre Troupe performed the musical, which they created from improvisational theatre and original music through a series of workshops over the past year.

The musical is about an enchanted forest, whose royalty had long ago denied entry to humans, as they had shown themselves to be untrustworthy. Then everything changes! The play is a coming of age story and a coming back home story, with many sub-plots and characters along the way. It is light-hearted and family friendly.

The goal of our musical is to empower people with autism, to uplift our community, and to use the power of music to remind us that we are all here together.

About The Musical Director and Assistants

Wil Fisher photo

Wil Fisher, Musical Director, holds a BFA in theater from the Hartt School of Drama, an MA in Applied Theater from CUNY, and performs locally. He is also a certified life coach.

The musical’s four experienced assistant directors are young adults with autism.