How to Donate

PACT appreciates your support of its theatre workshops that benefit the lives of those with autism, as we offer the workshops at no cost. Your donations also benefit our theatre troupe, whose current project is “Improv to a Job – achieving self-determination through theatre”, where we use Playback Theatre to empower those we serve to reach their job and career goals.

Ways To Donate

• Use PayPal or a credit card, by clicking the Donate button on this page which will take you to the PayPal site where you can make a secure donation.
• Use this Square Payments link, which accepts credit cards, Google Pay, or Cash App Pay.
• Donate by check by contacting the PACT office at 760-815-8512 or for instructions.

Please Help Support Positive Action Community Theatre

PACT is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible.

Positive Action Community Theatre is listed with GuideStar, a free online service that provides extensive background information about non-profit organizations, including their management, financial status, and IRS reports. To view our profile, GuideStar will prompt you to login or sign up for free, after which you can enter Positive Action Community Theatre in the search bar.